How the Internet Has Changed the Way We View Sex

Sex no longer has to be a taboo subject, thanks to the world wide web. Many men and women are journeying down a new path of enlightenment where they can explore their sexuality. How we view sex is all changing thanks to the easy access of the internet and its offerings.

Let’s talk about sex toys.

If you are beginning to gravitate towards figuring out your sexuality a bit more, there are some great products by Sohimi, including a 7 inch dildo. Many novices who want to try their first dildo will gravitate towards this product since it has 5.3 insertable inches and is a perfect size. If you’re worried that trying a toy may hurt you, this one won’t and is large enough to provide comfort for both a man or a woman.

Women can use this fantastic toy for g-spot stimulation, masturbation, and men can use it in anal play. If you are looking for a couple’s toy, this could also work well. Sohimi uses a transparent design unlike most other dildos, which enhances your sexual experience. The product is made of medical-grade TPE and pliable material. The toy is also usable with water-based and silicone-based lubricants and can be affixed to any smooth surface.

Enhancement Products

As we all age, lifestyle factors can hinder us from feeling and performing our best. As men age, the average sperm count naturally begins to decrease. A typical sperm count for the average man is between 120 million and 350 million. If you have lower than 40 million or suffer from erectile dysfunction, some products can help you.

If you’re looking for some help with your libido, Leading Edge Health is the site to turn to for male enhancement pills. The company offers a sexual stimulant you can take orally that will increase your orgasms. Many men suffer from limited semen production, but Semenax, an all-natural herbal supplement, is formulated to solve such problems and issues with performance. This supplement has boasted increased semen production, longer orgasms, greater pleasure, and long-term, lasting results. The best part is that the Semenax ingredients are all ones you can pronounce.

Have you been catfished?

Since the dawn of time, technology has had its massive breakthroughs. None have compared with the invention of the internet. The accessibility to online porn can easily lead to sexual enlightenment where once it usually required Playboy magazines and a fuzzy TV screen.

As many are already aware, sex is everywhere. From billboards to TV commercials, sex sells. A study has shown that one in ten websites features pornographic material. While the internet can bring about some very positive ideas and discoveries, it can also be a dark hole of bad people trying to hurt you. We’ve all seen the MTV show with Nev Schulman exposing catfish stories, and to be honest, it’s a terrifying thought that someone would take that much time to screw up someone else’s love life.

The dating world is changing, and studies have shown that 40% of couples are meeting online. It’s vital to keep an eye out for the telltale signs that you’re being catfished. One major red flag is that if someone feels that they may be too good to be true, they probably are. You also never want to agree to meet someone who you think is not being their authentic selves. Another big red flag is if the person you’re speaking to refuses to meet or always finds an excuse. You’ll hear excuses like “my camera doesn’t work” or “I don’t have a car.” These are all little alerts that should be keeping you on your toes. Other honorable mentions to keep an eye out for will be if your new beau has no online followers or any kind of social media following. Most people have friends and like to communicate on social media with them, so it should strike you as odd if they have no one in their corner.

The internet has led to sexual awakenings and presented more opportunities than ever, but it’s always important to be careful when meeting someone in person for the first time.